Where this all started...

It all started when I was a little one, fancying my grandmothers look, movie starish, glittery, classy, perfect, beautiful.

Partial, I looked up to her as everything I wanted to be Leopard coat, mint green Cadillac, sparkling diamond rings, lots of them...

Every weekend we went into her dressing room, painted lips and matching nails fancy hats and high heels and went thru every piece of jewelry she had each pair of earrings or matching brooch in its own foil covered individual box set like a jigsaw puzzle in the top three drawers of her rounded birch veneer bureau, many mirrors reflected the light off the colorful stones in every fancy box. my eyes were glassed over, I was mesmerized.

MY FUTURE WAS SET IN STONE. I was destined to put sparkly items in fancy foil boxes.

Every day I think of that time with my grandmother every day I make a new purchase, new or old, antique and special, every time I meet a new artist and admire their work, Every time I see someone with their new items and their eyes light up when they see just the right piece. and when some one new gets to experience the luster from the first time of seeing what I see, beauty in something they love it excites me.

The little girl in the high heels and fancy rings... has an extensive collection, and sometimes she parts with it. You never know what you'll see next...